Owen J., Web Designer, Port Macquarie, Australia

I think your course is well organised and is great for beginners as well as more advanced. I've only listened to about 30 lessons so far. I like that at any time I can review lessons. It's also great to be listening to native speakers. Unfortunately there is no short cut to learning a new language especially when it comes to tonal Asian languages. Conversation context is great.

Seeing the pinyin makes a big difference. I like to picture it in my head when composing sentences and having the tones works helps a lot. Your product is great! Especially now I can visualise the tones.

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B. Jevric, Australia

I think your Chinese lessons are fantastic. I am learning a lot listening to it spoken and the written form that goes with it helps as well because what you think your hearing is not necessarily right. The two together work really well. I love it.

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Scott C., United Kingdom

I first sampled this site by listening and learning through the non-premium feeds, and i learnt so much just through that, now i am premium subscriber, my learning has now rocketed. Your user friendly and cheerful mid lesson banter adds a more approachable feeling to learning, making a difficult language not such daunting task to do.

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Emmanuel P, Teacher, Oviedo, Spain

Hello Adam!

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your course online. I subscribed 2 weeks ago and have been well impressed by the quality of your teaching methods. I'm also a teacher and I really appreciate how you cover the different aspects of Mandarin Chinese.

As I told you on a previous e-mail I studied Mandarin Chinese for 2 years when I was a student and decided to seriously get back to it. I reviewed my own lessons + everything until lesson 60. Tomorrow I'll start level 2 and my objective is to have a good intermediate level in about 4 months.

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Joyce C., Secondary Teacher, Thousand Oaks, California, USA

I have a close Chinese friend who listened to some of the recordings on my IPod - she said go with CLO. She constantly remarks on my great accent which she says is always the biggest problem.
I travel a great deal and knowing Chinese, even a little, can only be helpful when 1/4 to 1/3 of the worlds' population speaks Mandarin Chinese. You are doing a great job - I seem to be going very slowly; however, my friend says I am not but rather she is impressed with where I am and again is most concerned about the correct accent.

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